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  13. NB: this refers only accommodation in an apartment without meals


The apartment is set to the first floor, it enters you from an external staircase.
He takes the name from the splendid terrace panning that allows to space with the look from the sea to the mountains. It is composed from three ample bed rooms, dining room with kitchen and a bath.
This apartment has a surface of around 77 mqs with 6 places bed.


Promo SeasonLow SeasonMiddle SeasonHigh SeasonTop Season
23/04 - 17/0618/06 - 01/0702/07-05/08 06-12/0813-19/08
10/09 - 31/1003-09/0927/08 - 02/09 20-26/08 
70,00 € 83,00 € 105,00 € 110,00 € 125,00 €


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Minimum stay 3 nights

Prices doesn't include

  • Starting apartament cleaning: € 25.00
  • Addizional bed per day: € 10.00
  • Bath and bedroom linen per person: € 8.00
  • Heating: estimated on real gas use
Internet Wi-Fi Gratis




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    Example for two children: 2-4 years
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  12. I agree to the treatment of my personal data according to DL 196/03
  13. NB: this refers only accommodation in an apartment without meals